This blog has had some famous visitors in the past, among them the FBI and NATO who honoured with their brief presence my humble home very early. Yesterday I had another VIP visit, this time from a branch of the Greek government. They were particularly interested in my post about the fake banknote and I think it's my duty to inform them that there has been an update. I showed the banknote to my bank and according to a cashier there is nothing wrong with it. The different signature is to be expected since the ECB has a new president. As simple as that. No missprint (sorry Anthony), no police, no conspiracy. Besides this would be in contrast to the subtitle of my profile, "A student leading a boring life". Sorry folks nothing adventurous in this home.
I don't believe it! Wow, it's become easy to be a suspect these days. This brings adventure even to the most remote and isolated places on earth.
Why don't the call it they world wide webpolice? That would be a fitting title.
I think the hits from the FBI and the NATO were routine checks so to speak. They were among the first 10 recorded visits in Sitemeter and I really didn't think much about it back then. Now the other had me worried, it's so easy to get into trouble for nothing. The post maybe tongue in cheek, but I was anything but cool this morning.
Να τι παθαίνει κανείς όταν γράφει στα αγγλικά. Του χτυπάει την πόρτα ο κάθε πικραμένος αλλοδαπός και ο ακόμα πιο πικραμένος έλληνας δημόσιος υπάλληλος, κάτοχος lower. :-)
Αχ αυτά τα αγγλικά είναι κόκκινο πανί τελικά. Κρίμα πάντως που δεν ξαναπέρασαν οι του ελληνικού δημοσίου. Ένα ποστ εμπνευσμένο και αφιερωμένο σε αυτούς και να μην το ξέρουν.
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